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Cape Town: Health e, 2011. accessed 19 March 2013. 13. President and Fellows of Harvard College. Depression, Sex and Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Health Publications, 2007, 1 5. ’ magazine 2‘Publications on GM food toxicity are scarce’. Although sas records re are many arguments and critiques surrounding sas facts toxicity of GM foods, sas information re is little experimental data and evaluation to construct such arguments. ‘In fact, no peer reviewed guides of clinical reviews on sas data human health effects of GM food exist. Even animal reviews are few and far among’ 18Acute toxicity studies on sas records ‘Flavr Savr’ genetically modified tomatoes, required by sas facts FDA, were conducted with rats to check toxic effects of sas information GM product. ‘It was concluded that mean body and organ weights, weight gain, food intake and scientific chemistry or blood parameters were not significantly different between GM fed and handle groups. ’ However it was noted that sections of sas facts stomach in up to 7 of sas statistics 20 female rats fed sas information GM tomato, showed ‘mild/moderate erosive/necrotic lesions’ and in addition to this 7 of sas data 40 rats concerned in sas records experiment were known to have died a few weeks after for unstated reasons.